This is for you if you are ready to take radical responsibility for your healing so that you can truly live in your presence, purpose & power.

Personalized 3-6 month containers available. Learn how to:

  • Transmute trauma & self-limiting beliefs into wisdom

  • Regulate & understand the states of your nervous system

  • Develop a secure attachment style to have healthier relationships

  • Build a personalized, meditation-based morning routine & strengthen your discipline & attention

  • Understand & apply ancient alchemical principles

  • Deepen your spiritual connection to life


“I am equipped with a powerful array of tools to navigate and transcend challenges.”


“My weekly 1:1 calls with Jade are a sacred space I genuinely look forward to—they’re the highlight of my week! Jade’s energy is contagious, leaving me deeply enriched and inspired after every session. Over the past 9 months, she has guided me through profound breakthroughs, helping me dismantle deeply rooted self-limiting beliefs. Now, I am equipped with a powerful array of tools to navigate and transcend challenges. Jade has taught me to harness and magnify the energies around me, allowing situations to unfold in my favor and serve my highest good. This journey with her has been nothing short of life-changing. Truly. Jade’s coaching has awakened a profound transformation within me, and I am endlessly grateful for her guidance.

Thank you lady for helping me find the magic within me.”

“My ability to alchemize and transmute is life changing.”


“Jade’s wisdom, guidance, support and love are unconditional and unmatched. I can always depend on her. She helped me change my life, seeing parts of me that I didn’t even know needed some extra love. My ability to alchemize and transmute is life changing. I could say that it’s all thanks to Jade, but I can also hear her saying ‘girl it’s alll you.’And that’s something that I admire so much about her. She helps you re-remember the divine light you have inside of you.”