
3-Month Mind-Body Alchemy Program

Ready to release trauma & self-sabotage so that you can live peacefully, presently & embody your authenticity?

33 hours of live group coaching illuminating how to use ancient alchemical principles, psychology, somatic practices and a series of Christ Consciousness updates to take control of your mind, regulate your nervous system and find a profound connection with your authentic self.

Next cohort launches January, 2025.

Neurosovereignty is a 3-month program that will teach you how to use the power of your mind to transform your reality from the inside-out.

  • Develop radical responsibility for your healing and learn the tools to transmute emotions and challenges with more ease, compassion and flexibility.

  • Discover the secrets to regulating your nervous system so that you can truly live in peaceful presence.

  • Master your mind and unlock your alchemical potential so that you can be the sovereign co-creator of your reality.

  • Hold yourself accountable and develop discipline so that you can reach your goals and build the future you desire.

  • Connect fully to your authentic self and divine nature so that you can speak your truth and show up in your community as an effective, integrated and inspiring leader.

Hear from our students

“The Neurosovereignty Program is truly transformative. Thanks to this program, I've customized an efficient morning routine and integrated small but impactful daily rituals that have led me towards more productive, peaceful, and purposeful days. I now find myself more present, mindful, and deeply connected in my work and interactions with others and daily activities. Jade has provided me with an array of tools that I now use to navigate tough days and situations effortlessly. Her guidance has empowered me to embrace a new level of self-transformation and growth. I am forever grateful for the significant impact this program has had on my life.”

Anastasia Ciano

The Neurosovereignty Journey

  • 12 x 90-minute group coaching sessions

  • 10 x 90-minute somatic embodiment & integration sessions

  • Community connection space

  • Curated podcast playlist

  • Life-time access to replays

  • Private support for Gold Tier

What’s included:

  • Understand how to transmute trauma and self-limiting beliefs into your greatest sources of wisdom and opportunity.

  • Develop an invincible mindset and learn to regulate your nervous system in real time.

  • Build a science-backed, effective morning meditation routine and be held accountable.

  • Study ancient alchemical principles to become the conscious co-creator of your reality.

  • Understand the true power of Christ Consciousness and how it flows through you.

Get ready to:

How does this system work?

Neurosovereignty means having sovereign control over your mindset and nervous system. This is a prerequisite for becoming a conscious co-creator of your reality. The truth is, you are always co-creating your reality. However, when you are distracted and dysregulated, you unconsciously create situations that perpetuate old, self-limiting patterns.

To reach a state of Neurosovereignty, you must reclaim the power of your mind by strengthening your attention, awareness and emotional regulation. This program uses a unique blend of ancient wisdom, cognitive psychology, meditation and somatic practices to do exactly this.

From here, you will be guided step-by-step on how to access the Hermetic art of mental transmutation, a process that allows you to transform trauma, self-limiting beliefs and outdated cultural conditioning into sources of embodied wisdom and opportunity.

Once the outdated programs have been transmuted, you will have the mental, physical, emotional and energetic ability to reconnect to your divine, authentic nature. You will learn how to activate Christ Consciousness within to feel peaceful, confident and empowered to show up as a stronger leader in your community.

The life you want for yourself is on the other side of becoming the person who lives it. As within, so without.

What is Hermetic wisdom?

If you think about life as a video game, wouldn’t it would be helpful to understand the rules of the game in order to get to the next level? This is exactly what Hermetic wisdom provides.

In Neurosovereignty, we work specifically with the 7 Hermetic principles. These principles, which build the foundation of the philosophical system that supported the rise of the ancient Egyptian empire, outline the rules of engagement of our reality. They are the distilled work of Hermes Trismegistus, Master of Masters and Father of Occult Wisdom. They are as powerful, profound and sacred as they sound. Join us in learning how you can apply them to your life today.

Hear from our students

“Neurosovereignty truly transformed my life. I had the biggest breakthrough around my feelings of fear holding me back from showing up as authentically and boldly as I want to in my life. Getting to the ROOT cause of my limiting beliefs, unhelpful thought patterns and pairing it with somatic exercises was like doing years of talk therapy in hours. I often left talk therapy feeling more dysregulated than when I arrived. The method outlined by Jade is SO simple and SO effective, it bolstered my confidence to dive DEEP and know I have the tools to regulate my system again. In doing this work, my channel opened and I received some of the most profound messages of love and grace and guidance that have changed my relationship with the Divine forever.”

Anjelica Potter

Meet your guides



    Jade is a mindset architect, TEDx speaker and a steward of Hermetic wisdom. She teaches her clients and students how to harness the power of the conscious mind to rewire their mindset, regulate their nervous system and return to the resonance of their authentic, divine self. Her system synthesizes cognitive psychology, Hermetic wisdom, Christ Consciousness updates and meditation. She was the first student of this process, which allowed her to overcome a 15-year struggle with OCD. In this program, she will be guiding you on a transformational journey that will illuminate that you have everything you need within yourself to set yourself free.



    Alaya is a certified yoga instructor, massage therapist and somatic practitioner. Her work lies in empowering you to harness the intelligence of your body and anchor yourself firmly in the now. She’s passionate about teaching you how to decode and trust your body’s cues. She will be sharing an array of modalities to release stored trauma from your body and return your nervous system to a regulated state by empowering you to create a lasting feeling of safety and pleasure in your body.



    Zach is an ICF-certified Intimacy, Relationship, and Integration Facilitator, who empowers you to become the embodied witness of your present moment experience through the crucible of intimate relating. By cultivating innerstanding and navigating the shadows of the psyche, you'll reclaim the freedom that lives beyond limitations, unlocking the infinite potential of your True Self – the essence that vibrates within every cell. Zach will be present to support your integration throughout the Neurosovereignty journey.

Hear from our students

“Neurosovereignty has laid the foundation in allowing me to understand how to regulate my nervous system and shift my energy from a low to high vibration. I am able to see myself from a different perspective and understand why I behave the way I do. I am able to identify my triggers and root cause of my traumas, and I can heal them and heal myself through love.”

Auset Selassie

This is a program for people who are ready to take radical responsibility for their growth.

If you think healing is just about affirmations. . .this program isn’t for you.