Transformation doesn’t happen on the surface. So, let’s go deep.

If you think of the mind as a software system. . .

. . .it is easy to see that the it can run both helpful and harmful programs. Beliefs form the foundation of mindset, they are the deepest codes that inform thought patterns and behaviors. When your belief system is strong, supportive and benevolent, you can connect to your authenticity, express yourself freely and show up fully in your relationships and career. However, there are often huge cracks in this foundation caused by beliefs programmed by fear, insecurity, anxiety, shame and/or scarcity. The truth is, everyone has these cracks until they have been consciously filled and tended to.

These Reprogramming Sessions are designed to illuminate the cracks in your foundation, deprogram the underlying self-limiting belief systems and encode belief systems that are rooted in truth, love and abundance. This is a big step in healing your relationship with yourself, others and life and connecting to you presence, power and purpose.

The life you want for yourself is on the other side of becoming the person who lives it.

As within, so without.

Reprogramming includes:

  • 2-hour deprogramming session

    • Releasing harmful programs at the mental, physical & spiritual levels

  • 1-hour reprogramming session

    • Personalized conscious + subconscious reprogramming protocol